We are here to be honest, prudent, just and moderate.
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"There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky;
there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul."

-Victor Hugo


  1. "In photography you will spend the rest of your life learning to see light. It will not take long to learn all about the camera, but you will never come to the end of discovering about the effects of light itself. The only rule is to watch the world about you, all the time, even when you have not got a camera in your hand."

    I saw this quote on the wall of an alley in San Francisco two years ago. Word!

    I really like the photo. And your quote to go with it.

  2. Thank you. I like that quote, who is the source?

    The interesting thing about cameras is that they're modeled after our eyes; both are light receptors. A long exposure time simply mimics acclimation to darkness.

  3. No source, it was on an alley wall in SF with no name attached.
